different merch designs

World Class Merch Designs & Templates

Create professional merch with high-quality and original design templates tailored to sell.

various merch templates

Designs for Every Product. Anywhere you Need.

Unlock tailored designs for specific products, or harness the freedom to apply any design across your entire merch spectrum.

demostration of a design request

Need a specific design? Ask for a custom design

If you can’t find the design you need, you can ask our designers to make your idea come true with our Free Design Requests. Our expert team will bring your ideas to life, perfectly tailored to your audience and niches.

Vector Designs

All your questions answered

Who holds the intellectual property of the designs?

Subscribers have the Licensing rights to use Vexels Designs, while Vexels holds the intellectual property of its Designs at all times.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel your subscription within the first 15 days of your first purchase, and if you have also downloaded 10 or less resources, you are entitled to a full refund on your subscription. This policy doesn’t apply to plans with free trial.We also give refunds within the first 7 days of your subscription renewal, if you haven't downloaded any design.

What are Design Requests?

A Design Request is a feature we have for our subscribers to ask for designs that they want or need but can’t find in our catalog. You can just let us know and we’ll make it for you. And it doesn’t cost extra at all. It takes around 5 business days to be done! The number of Design Requests credits you have per month depends on the subscription you’re on. You can check our blog post with further information on this and we'll be here if you have any other questions!

If I download a print-ready design can I upload it and sell it online?

Vexels' print-ready designs are sized and formatted to be easily printed on most print-on-demand services. They're perfect for starting points to create your own unique artwork that meets the specific Content Policies of each POD platform. With an active Merch Subscription, you can use our graphics to sell products both online and offline (on sites like Merch by Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, or your own website), but please review the policies of each individual POD first. Some platforms only accept unique designs, which is why we offer editable designs. Please note that we are not liable for any misuse of our products or services.

May I sell Vexels' designs digitally?

No, according to our Terms & Conditions, Vexels' designs are not allowed to be sold or redistributed digitally without modification; they are meant to be either applied onto physical products for sale, or modified enough to be unrecognizable as Vexels content for digital uses such as graphic design.