niche finder tool

Create merchandise at scale with AI Merch Maker

Automate your merch business: discover niche ideas, generate quotes & designs, match with best selling products and prepare for store. Merch products ready to sell.

created product on store
niche ideas tool

Find your best-selling niche

  • Streamlined Inspiration: Quickly and efficiently identify potential profitable niches for creating sellable products.
  • AI-Driven Suggestions: Use the power of our Merch Maker generative AI to receive a list of suggested niches based on your inputs or random inputs.
  • Time and Effort Savings: Eliminate the time-consuming aspects of niche brainstorming and creative work.
  • Tailored to your audience: Choose interests, custom ideas, approach and audience characteristics to get niches aligned with your needs. 
quotes made by quote generator tool

Generate niche-oriented quotes

  • AI-Powered Quote Generation: Harness our cutting-edge AI model to instantly generate selling quotes matching your niches. 
  • Customize to your needs: Control the moods, length and topics of the quotes to fine-tune them to your specific audiences & products.
  • Efficient Workflow: Streamline the process of finding and incorporating relevant quotes into your designs with the Merch Maker.
  • Trademark check: Our AI tool makes the first check of major trademarks to help in the creation of original quotes. 
different designs made by merch designer

Automate design generation at scale

  • Automated Design Creation: Generate multiple new and unique merch designs automatically from your selected quotes.
  • Unique Merchandise: Ensure your merchandise stands out with a constant flow of new and distinctive designs.
  • Create Merch at Scale: Automatically create different designs with variant quotes, styles & graphics. Including both light and dark versions.
  • Save Time Creating Designs: Free yourself from manual design work and focus on other aspects of your merch business
t-shirt with product information generated by AI

Designs to listings automatically

  • Designs to Products Fast: Automatically match your designs to best selling merch products with the Merch Maker product match.
  • AI-Powered SEO Content: AI will automatically create SEO-friendly titles and descriptions for each item to optimize it for search engines.
  • Effortless Variant Generation: Generate specific designs for all your fabric colors, size and product variants. 
  • Mockup Creation: Automatically match designs with high-quality mockups for each product variant.

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Data-Driven Designs

Built with data insights, market trends & customers preferences to ensure selling merch. 

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Merch Experts

More than 7 years as the trusted partner for merch sellers and creators. Let us guide you every step of the way.

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Learning Materials

Access merch business guides, monthly insights, trends, and step-by-step how-tos. Learn, launch, and thrive with us.

All your questions answered.

Can I download what I generated to use on my other PODs & Marketplaces?

Yes, you can download the products you generated using our AI Merch Maker and upload them to your POD or Marketplace of choice. Your download will include the transparent PNG for your design, Mockups and AI generated texts for Titles & Descriptions.